Corporate Donors to Antifa Front Grop BAMN as reported by Jack Posobiec
phone number of senate and house DC
I want to boycott the NFL but I dont watch football
How to report Liberal Media as fake news on Facebook
winina laduke clean water quote
I am no longer accepting things I cannot change
Purse full of needed things
Rise up the system is broken
It is better to perish than to live as slaves Winston Churchill Quote
200 Years ago vs Today What Happened America
Two Million Bikers Truckers and Patriots to DC Make a Roar No One Will Ignore
2 million bikers to DC  2014
US Sgt at Arms Andrew B Willison has the power to arrest obama for treason 202-224-2341
Few Generations have been called on to defend freedom in its maximum hour of danger - You are that generation - Judge Napolitano Quote
26 GOPers FOR Amnesty
List of Senators Up for Re-election in 2016
All Over the World People are Awakening What is Wrong with America
Dont panic ORGANIZE
You Are Not Alone, Refuse to be Silent, Take America Back
Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God - Benjamin Franklin
Sgt. Craig Pusley
Founding Fathers to America "What the Hell are You People Doing?"
Demand Your State To Say NO To Obama's Unconstitutional Federal Acts
Take what you need
fight un gun
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