Reed Hayes is a court qualified handwriting and document examiner whose business is located in Honolulu, Hawaii. He has nearly 40 years of handwriting related experience, and has worked as an international consultant and speaker. Never heard of him? Well, Hayes is the Certified Document Examiner (CDE) who produced the 40 page opinion referenced in the Mike Zullo affidavit that was submitted to the Alabama Supreme Court in the Obama eligibility case and his report concluded that the Obama birth certificate image, located at is a complete fabrication.

This is a very interesting read.  Infuriating that no one has guts enough to really take a look at it so far, but although not terribly 'new' news; the saddest part is we have a fake in the highest office of our country, and it will probably be well past 2016 before this is ever brought to finalization (if it ever is).  There is no possibility of impeaching an impostor.  That would be like catching someone impersonating an officer and asking the company the official says he works for to fire him!  Putting all his other crimes aside, this one ranks number one.   Nothing could be worse than a country (especially OUR country) being detroyed and taken down by a complete fraud!
Safari Woman
HI! It's great to log on and see a blog from you. We've missed you. I can completely understand the time issue. It seems to speed by faster every day too. I'm glad it is only that. I was starting to worry.
About this! I'm praying fervently that maybe the existing scandals will give someone with a ...
  • June 10, 2013
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Hi Annette............missed you!
To sit and watch the country being dismantled is excruciatingly painful for all of us.  If it wasn't, we wouldn't be here!  Nothing of a positive nature has come out of this administration and it shouldn't come as a surprise.  We knew quite a bit about this imposter ...
  • June 10, 2013
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