by Marge Pauls


Marge’s Bacon-Mustard Potato Salad

I never measure, so these amounts are approximate.  I would suggest adding a little less of seasoning, then adding to taste.  This makes lots, so tailor it as needed.


 3 C      Mayonnaise (about)

1/2 C to 3/4 C      Gulden’s Spicy Brown Mustard (or to taste)

2T        sweet basil

2-3T    dillweed

1T        oregano

2T        minced garlic

1 tsp    black pepper

Blend the mayo and mustard until you get a taste you want, then add all the herbs.  I used dried, but you can use fresh also.  Again, start out with less—you can always add more.  Set mixture aside to blend the flavors.


5 lbs.   boiled and peeled potatoes cut into cubes (I use Yukon Gold)

1 lb.     bacon, fried “limp” and cut into small pieces (I use a thicker sliced Amish bacon)

1 medium sweet onion, chopped (about 2 cups or to taste)

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.  Taste the sauce to make sure it’s what you want, and adjust if necessary.  Fold sauce into salad and make sure it’s thoroughly blended in.

I smooth the top and run a paper towel around the edge of the bowl to make it look nice.

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