Make sure you get your GP to sign the attached form so they take full responsibility for the poison they are about to administer to your loved one. Better yet, get your local politician to counter sign it. It will not stop the after effects that so called vaccinations have been proven to cause but, at least you have someone to sue or seek compensation from when your child comes down with Autism or many of the other physical and mental problems caused by these toxic vaccinations.



Carl Spencer
Perhaps the school districts should also sign the forms or the state dept of ed being they are the ones requiring it for registration.
  • August 23, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Yep...they should also! They set up the dates for our children to get immunized in school! Hold them accountable also!

They want your child immunized here in Canada to start school but they can't really enforce it. We have the right to refuse immunizations for our children still. Not that the schools...
  • August 23, 2013
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