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It is my strong belief that the Obamacare Enrollment website is designed to build a nationwide database of everyone who is uninsured. This database would then be used to seize bank accounts of those uninsured people, possible on a "targeted" basis. But I need help gathering evidence!

The bloggers on this site are some of the best on the internet as far as quality and the range of topics. If anyone can find information, you can. I am so busy this weekend, that I will not be able to research this topic until much later. I

I believe that if this is true and there is evidence from people that have signed up and receiver notice of possible bank account seizures or other actions to make them pay, that this would break through the malaise people seem to have about the individual mandate. This need to happen before the Boehner caves on the mandate, which will happen any time. If true I want to get to my Congressman and as many people I can.

I have enclosed several websites that indicate that this is possible although they need to be verified. The health care law may contain specific languages that forbids actually enforcing the penalty (now tax), but even if it does there may be other language in the bill that allows it. Either way, we have a lawless Administration so nothing is beyond them.


Many people have reported that you must complete the healthcare exchange application in its entirety before you are given a quote.

The penalty of tax, if you prefer, will not be as small as we are led to believe.

One man on facebook said that he had this experience and left a posting on the Healthcare.gov website. A report on Infowars.com has also been made. However, these will be dismisses so more proof is needed.

I heard a woman say on the Herman Cain show yesterday that in order to complete the application see needed to submit her bank account information.

It seems likely that this may be the reason the system keeps crashing because of all the data between collected from all the government and corporate databases is happening in real time.

Please Help to find more evidence!

Look for new sources. Go through the comment on these site and others that talk about this subject, follow links in the comments.  Search the Affordable Health Care act itself for certain keywords (using Mozilla is a good browser for doing this) Leave comments asking for details. Search using more than one search engine, I use dogpile.com that uses four search engines and partially hides my IP address from the search providers (Startpage is better at protecting your identity). Please DO NOT complete a exchange application.

Obama Health Bill Allows Government Real-time Access to Bank Accounts

Kurt Nimmo InfowarsAugust 3, 2009


Obamacare Fines to be Seized From Bank Accounts?

Paul Joseph Watson October 2nd, 2013,Prison Planet.com


On a related note:

McAfee Drops Obamacare Bombshell – Hackers Will Be Able To Empty Bank Accounts Of Enrollees

Saturday, October 12, 2013 9:13 Before It's New


Safari Woman
Sat was my mom's birthday so I wasn't around - tonight I'm bushed and tomorrow I may be out all day too. It could be mid week before I can really dig in to this. BUT let me say the one report on FB that seemed to start some of this was never veriffied. I trust Alex Jones and the other site very litt...
  • October 13, 2013
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Carl Spencer
I haven't attempted to visit their site and I may never. Did you mean they are building a data base on uninsured as you stated or insured? They can't enter you into a data base if you don't use the site.
  • October 14, 2013
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