The entitlement society won a major victory tonight and the celebration will continue for days, but it will be short lived. As the spending continues in order to appease the constituency, the death of our dollar will accelerate exponentially as it spirals towards insolvency. There is no turning it around now as politicians will have to feed this elephant they have created in order to get reelected. We will all eventually suffer the wrath of this insanity, but not so much as the dependents that have based there sole lively hood on the handouts they receive from the federal government. Survival is now the name of the game and the misery it produces will be the only thing that will return us to our constitutional republic that has blessed us with the prosperity  we have enjoyed for many years.

Although it will be difficult to face up to the challenges that this election will bring, take heart in knowing that these are the lessons the electorate has to learn before they will change the path they have chosen. Winning this election may have postponed the misery, but it would not have changed our trajectory towards communism. I feel it is best to let this progressive movement take us over the financial cliff and wallow in the results of their idiocy so that there is no doubt in the electorates mind as to who brought them this suffering. Then and only then will we see things begin to change.

Safari Woman
You may be right about why this happened. It is a hard pill to swallow for the rest of us! But look what I came in to post - dead on the money http://economictimes.indi...
  • November 7, 2012
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Jerry Rolison
I believe Obama will intentionally take us over the end of the year financial cliff, since it will accomplish two of his goals. Weaken our military and drive us into a double dip recession that will eventually collapse our dollar. The idiots that reelected this marxist bastard do not have a clue as ...
  • November 7, 2012
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Safari Woman
Thank you Jerry. I won't be back to Soda much either except as I might find ways to use it to my own advantage from time to time. There are a few more people I would like to invite from there. I was leaving people alone with invitations because Iknew they had a larger audience there and could be mor...
  • November 7, 2012
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