For weeks I've been seeing videos, quick clips and comments using the new meme word BAE. On several occasions, right when I thought I'd figured it out, I would read or hear it used in a way that my guess didn't hold up for. So finally - you guessed it - I searched the meaning. I've attached a source that seems to be as good as any below. So it turns out my guess was right on each occasion because BAE has more than one meaning.  I suppose this is a great way to break down language and communications by creating words and turning them into memes that have no agreed upon definition. I have to wonder, how long will it be before we will  be incoherent to all but those who are in our own circle?

At this point in life I would love to see the return of teaching Latin so that maybe, just MAYBE, we could some day again all be on the same page again in our discussions.


So here ya go! To all of the BAE's out there who are one but didn't know it.



Topics: BAE, definition, meme, word
I saw this twice on videos already! I didn't know what it meant either. A little boy was saying it to his grand dad in one and I thought it was his nickname for him. lol The second video was a black rapper using the n word and BAE in the same rap! So that ruled out a cute name for grandpa. lol Teens...
  • September 22, 2014
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Safari Woman
It isn't even bad English anymore! It has gotten to the point that they sound completely ignorant and un-comprehensible. 
  • September 22, 2014
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