When not studying, drinking beer or scratching himself, Wanna prefers to pull the tails of those who think they are in the know. Happy

*articile here; http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/f30bbd1c-7602-11e4-a777-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3KHu8c6og

 Sitting here, considering. Do I rake the socialists of other countries over the coals, or just those within the borders of "America"? Really it's all one system, right?

So, now that we all accept (do we?) "an era of effective government interference", and a "life" completely regulated (begging permit to develop your own land on down to how much water you flush when you use the "loo"), we instead argue about nonsensical bs. Actually read some idiot saying (essentially) that low prices were not good for consumers... I mean, please?

Everybody knows OPEC is a loose confederation attempting to emulate a monopoly. They may have a couple of "bucks", but all know the true "worth" of those FRN's. Any fiat currency (worthless from the onset), fractionalized to this extent (humm, does your central bank operate in the same manner?), has the same value as... Monopoly money. Maybe less.

Waiting for an economics "professor" to pipe up, maybe a "money manager" who pushes worthless paper from out of Wall Street or The City; worthless paper "buying" worthless paper. 

What an outstanding scam. The Contrarian executes a graceful bow to thieves so much better than himself.

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, please continue the "tempest-in-a-teapot" arguments. It's "Thanksgiving Day" here in the "States", and I'm off for food, beer and frivolity. God knows that, after living under this regime for 50+ years, surrounded by idiots and fools, I deserve a day of rest.


humbly submitted, to no man or institution,

The Contrarian




Wanda Hope Carter
You've always been one of my favorite socialism head butters! (Did that sound right?) lol I can't count the giggles I've had from reading your replies. Now, well seasoned in internet head butting, I've seen more panties in a bunch from dealing with your comments online than I can count. lol.. Too ba...
  • November 27, 2014
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
Yeah, they're like Faust; gotta get that pound of flesh.

Btw, thank you. ;-)
  • November 27, 2014
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