Some people gossip/talk about another until they make that person the worst person on earth. When you call them on it, they may say, “I am not able to ‘deal’ with it if I can’t talk about it.” Self has caught them in an endless feedback loop that we call Recreating the Negative.

Legally, under spiritual law, we can tell these people that they must eventually give it to God, “Here it is Father.” It does get easier to deal with; it doesn’t go away, but it gets easier.

Recreating the negative expresses an addiction to mental malpractice and to idle words and speech. Like an alcoholic or drug addict, people never succeed in overcoming this addiction until they are ready to quit.

Safari Woman
Some people gossip/talk about another until they make that person the worst person on earth....

I have no time for gossip - sometimes it is neccessary to discuss people for informational purposes. And then you have those like obama ...... who already is one of the worse people in the world. But somet...
  • December 2, 2012
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Kahaluu Girl
AGREED!...Constantly thinking and talking about someone or something that you dislike is so bad for your mind (and soul). Letting all that negativity live rent free in your head can and will cause physical ailments.We can't ignore the negative in this world, (demons must be faced!), but we must reme...
  • December 4, 2012
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