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My mother’s very favorite saying is, “You never know!”


Marge Pauls
This is a great idea, Mike. In fact, you can find all that stuff and more, including a small bar of magnesium for fire-starting, in either my purse or my glove compartment. lol! The problem, though, is remembering to replace stuff I haven't used for a while!
  • March 23, 2015
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Good plan Marge.
  • March 23, 2015
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We think we're recycling but when you put your mind to it, nearly everything can be re-used.

These are good ideas. Only problem with me is that I fail to reconnect with these items when I need them because I forgot where I put them!
  • March 23, 2015
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I do too at times. I solve that problem by making duplicates and stashing them in different places.
With my work and outdoor coats I save the pockets out of blue jeans and sew them on the inside. It's a lot more convenient to have different pockets for things rather than stuffing everything in a pant...
  • March 23, 2015
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Marge Pauls
That also is a great idea!
  • March 23, 2015
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Very god ideas!
  • March 23, 2015
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Marge Pauls
I also keep a small toolbox in the trunk, with basics, like a hammer, two kinds of screwdrivers, a battery terminal scraper, tire pressure gauge, flashlight, etc., and a milk crate with extra washer fluid, battery cables, tire inflate, oil, tranny fluid, rope, canvas bags and a Rand-McNally U.S. map...
  • March 23, 2015
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I'm impressed. Your level of preparedness certainly isn't what I see as normal.
  • March 23, 2015
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Marge Pauls
Does that mean it's abnormal? lol! Seriously, I've lived alone most of my adult life; there's no one to call if I'm stranded somewhere, and I traveled extensively when I was younger, so I needed to prepare as much as I could in case of an emergency.

I find there's a lot of dead chivalry out there...
  • March 23, 2015
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I keep a life straw; pepper spray and mylar tent/ blanket in my bag
  • March 24, 2015
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