Several people come to me with questions about their website construction. I try to answer or research to give back a good response. I know a lot. But I don't, and no one can, know everything.

Today I have so far worked with five tech support people on issues relating to various websites and their requirements or issues. They all spent most of their time answering questions I did not ask, telling me things I already knew, and so far not ONE has resolved any issue I contacted them about.

One answer I just love is, working as designed, when working as designed is BROKEN!


No wonder it is getting harder and harder for the average person to own and operate a website. There are no experts anymore! It has become basically if you can't figure it out and fix it yourself you are screwed proposition.

Those who are lucky enough to have a good trusted website builder who knows the issues from top to bottom and inside and out are truly rare! Most businesses that build sites will load their answers to suit their own areas of expertise so that they can work within the parameters they are accustomed to whether that is the best thing for their client or not. It's just amazing to realize the amount of inadequacy out there in the world of website construction, server, software, SEO, branding, and marketing! So frustrating. I've spent a whole day finding out nothing.

Recollecting the billion spent on right about now.

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