All of the following may be found in the book;

The American Sovereign, by Brent-Emory...Johnson, Freedom Bound International, pgs 65

"The political chaos is connected with the decay of the language... one can probably bring about some improvement by starting at the verbal end."

George Orwell

Perhaps the most insidious method used by government officials to trick We the People into volunteering ourselves into federal jurisdiction, is the redefining of the English language to suit their primary objective, which is to exert varying degrees of control over every aspect of our lives.

Every law has a set of definitions of the significant and important words used in its text. Frequently, these definitions run contrary to the ordinary, common definitions that most of us use. For example, consider the following;

Are you a "resident" of the State, who "drives" a Motor vehicle" to go to work for an "employer" who (then) pays you as an "employee"? 

You might BELIEVE that you know the answer to this question, but do you KNOW the meaning of the words listed above in quotations> Let's look at some of the words that have been redefined by statute, to the detriment of us all.

Are you a resident of the State? Before you respond, consider: do you KNOW what resident means?

Resident. an agent, minister, or officer residing in any distant place with the dignity of an ambassador; the chief representative of the government at certain princely states. Residents are a class of public ministers inferior to ambassadors and envoys; but like them, they are under the protection of the Law of Nations.

Earl Jowitt's Dictionary of English Law, 1977, Sweet & Maxwell

In more everyday parlance, resident is a citizen of the District of Columbia, who currently not living in the District of Columbia. The comparable word under common law is live. I live on the land located within the borders of this state. It may seem wordy, but who said that we should restructure our language for ease and convenience? In George Orwell's 1984  they call it "Newspeak" and "Doublethink". Is this "politically correct" system one which the American people desire? Is this the social reflection of the principles of freedom and liberty on which our great country was founded?

You see, that's where they - our government officials, our estranged public servants - have captured us. Those people who we have allowed to run our government for us, have subjugated the American people by appealing to their sense of convenience. Remember, it's always much more convenient to comply than to resist.


Wanda Hope Carter
I've been writing something lately, where the understanding of the words used is so important. Reading this is another case of finding out just how much we've been lied to with "newspeak doublethink BSery" Thanks Randy.
  • January 16, 2016
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Randall Covey, Russian Hacker
You betcha, Wanda. This report is unfinished, btw.
  • January 16, 2016
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