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Finance billionaire Hebert Sandler to Clinton's campaign chief John Podesta


 Princeton Study: U.S. No Longer An Actual Democracy


 Above is an image of the Podesta email confirming the outcome of the Princeton Study that determined the US is no longer an actual Democracy. Below that is the link to the article in discussion. 

Don't think I am posting this because I am shocked, I'm not. I've recognized the Oligarchy, the ruling of the nation by a relative handful of the elite and corporate interests for a long time. I have never accepted it and will not accept it and declare the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic. Collectively Americans have been lulled into a state of amnesia or prevented from knowing the truth about their country. This is dangerous and freedom is lost if we simply agree that what we have become is all of what we are. There is only resistance resulting in change or acceptance in this matter. The time has come to pick a side. 

I was looking through old pictures of myself lately and realized how much of who I am and what makes me - uniquely ME, has been lost in memory. The nation at large has done the same of its own history.  We can't live in the past, but the past is what built us and the future depends on us not forgetting the life spark of enthusiasm and commitment to freedom of our youth or our responsibility to those who will come after us.

To preserve the ideals laid out by founding fathers is the continuance of what America was, is and shall be or else our history becomes meaningless. 

Many wise men and women have told us over the ages that the danger has not been to face an enemy outside of our home or borders that is stronger than ourselves. The greatest danger always lies within, close to the heart and with the ability to be a part of everyday life. We are living in a time where this has never been more apparent. Our government has become a poisonous snake pit slithering in contagious bacterial scum. After the election in 2016 we will either be left with the queen of international crimes and corruption or a man who says he wants to drain the swamp. 

According to this America is already no longer what it was intended to be. It is entirely up to us alive right now to make it what it should be going forward. PLEASE VOTE WISELY There is only one vote that offers any chance of change at all. And without change, America will remain no longer a democracy.  

The article says, "Using data drawn from over 1,800 different policy initiatives from 1981 to 2002, the two conclude that rich, well-connected individuals on the political scene now steer the direction of the country, regardless of or even against the will of the majority of voters.

"Ordinary citizens," they write, "might often be observed to 'win' (that is, to get their preferred policy outcomes) even if they had no independent effect whatsoever on policy making, if elites (with whom they often agree) actually prevail."  

If that is okay with you, then vote for Hillary Clinton or don't vote in the presidential election. If you want any chance AT ALL to change the state of the nation, PLEASE vote for Donald Trump. He may fail us, we don't know, but Hillary has made it clear she is one of the elite of the Oligarchy, above the law and self serving with ner trades of resources that belong to the nation.

Copyright 2016 AKA Safari all rights not otherwise assigned are reserved


I no longer actually want a democracy if it's leaders are 0bama and Clinton!!
  • October 22, 2016
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Never was a 'democracy'...but sure don't like it turning into a socialist state that it's becoming.
  • October 22, 2016
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