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If the source of these claims is correct, the biggest cover up and heist in history has been perpetrated by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama over the Pipeline in Qatar. 

Time will tell - but I feel I must share this as it would put many pieces of the puzzle together for the first time in a way that makes sense. From Benghazi to the cash on the plane to Iran, this series of tweets, if true, is earth shattering. 

Sample of Tweets:

CIA was behind a staged Arab spring uprising to attempt to topple Assad, because he was blocking the Quatar/Turkey pipeline plan.

ISIS formed by accident, and spiraled out of control but also provided cover for the Obama/HRC agenda of laudering bribes for the pipeline.

Little did Obama/HRC realize that an auto-sync feature between Huma & Weiner inadvertently saved the deleted emails on Weiner's machine.

Related Image assessment going around

 AND as usual, there is a question as to whether any of this is true - and about who the originator of these tweets are - this thread might be worth watching


Safari Woman
I call this a must read! If true - this is huge!!!! 
  • October 31, 2016
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I agree, Saf. But "huge" to us..... Just business as usual for the Dems.
  • October 31, 2016
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Safari Woman
True -
  • October 31, 2016
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Safari Woman
I noticed one thing in this that didn't come out until today otherwise - that the way the data got on Weiner's device was through a program that synchronizes devices. Sooo... that's one thing that proved to be true. Waiting to see about the rest of it.
  • October 31, 2016
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