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Tonight we learned that John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, referenced attending Spirit Cooking in an email. Spirit cooking is a set of rituals that are by my best estimation, Satanic. This link goes to the article about the wikileaks letter including the book from which Spirit Cooking was crafted as well as a video of the ritual.  http://www.teamnetworks.n...  

This link goes to the wiki mail where Podesta is writing about the cut on his hand. A cut like this is part of the ritual https://wikileaks.org/pod...  

This link goes to the original article from Fox displaying the letter Guccifer sent to them about working to expose the Satanic Illuminati and that Hillary Clinton is a priestess.  http://www.foxnews.com/po...  

Mark, a member here for those who don't know, posted " If Donald Trumps wins, he will be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old when he takes the oath of office." To the best of my calculation I think that is correct. 

This is a link to Wikilpedia briefly explaining the various religious and political understandings of the number 777 https://en.wikipedia.org/... (number) This link is being difficult - if it takes you to the date rather than the number - choose number at the top of the page. Or it is also linked below->>

Copyright 2016 AKA Safari Woman all rights not otherwise assigned are reserved



Linda Mihalic
Yes, these rituals are undoubtedly Satanic. Perfectly evil. The picture you took is of a so-called "recipe," written in blood on a wall.
  • November 4, 2016
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Laurel Victory
  • November 4, 2016
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