As of 11/25/16 Trump hasn't actually asked Romney to be his Secretary of State but the hype about it puts Romney out to the light.

There has been major upheaval among Trump supporters who are balking at even the thought of it. All sorts of negativity about Romney is being drug out and dusted off again while making the network rounds and being talked about constantly by the media.

On the other hand, Trump is taking praise for meeting with Romney proving he is reaching out to unify and heal. 

Is there a method to this madness? 

Me thinks so....

Romney represents an elitist fracture of the GOP. Either it will come back tail between it's legs under Trump, or it will stand put in its place and declawed. At stake is what the GOP is rather than what it was. Is it a Trump win no matter what happens?

If Romney wants to spilt off with the Bushes and others who stood with the #NeverTrump crowd, what will they call THEIR party? The head of the GOP is Donald Trump. Would it be something new, would they lock step with the Democrats which many argue they are actually aligned with, or would they stick in the GOP and fight Trump every step behind the scenes if not publically?

The only question I hear being asked is, "Will Donald Trump go against what most of his avid supporters are calling for him to do by asking Romney?" Time will tell - but if he does and Romney accepts or declines - makes a difference. One says the leader of the #NeverTrump estabilshment elite submits to a Trump GOP and the other says definitively he and the group he represents stands apart from the GOP.  

Neither in media nor on the networks is anyone asking the question - "Do you think Romney would accept?" The answer to that would speak volumes.

But no, instead the power is put obviously in Trumps hands and the only question is whether Romney will be Trump's pick. Trump has established his power and leadership of the party by this very fact. 

If Trump doesn't ask Romney, Trump still wins for even signaling that he is willing to offer the peace pipe and entertain the idea as it throws the balance of public opinion of his character to his favor.

The structure of the party has supported Romney and this group for a long time and they have brought in multi-millions of dollars (or more) which will be missed if they splinter off.

As the leader of the GOP, Trump has a role to play in this capacity as well as being the President. That everyone is talking about this while hammering Romney for days on end when Trump hasn't even asked him if he wants the job, makes me feel like I what I am watching is but another successful media play by Trump. 

It has been a long time since we've had someone knowledgeable about how to manipulate situations and dedicated to winning like Trump is in this position of power. Maybe we've forgotten how it's done and don't recognize it for what it really is. Maybe hidden in it's complexity of psychological warfare and taking control of the wheel to conglomerate power and public opinion, it is primarily the ongoing public dethroning of what was previously the GOP elite. 

Copyright 2016 AKA SafariWoman all rights reserved.

I suppose that's a possibility but I find it hard to believe that he can dethrone flipflop Romney by acting like him.
  • November 25, 2016
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Safari Woman
I think of Trump's maneuvers even during the campaigns like a chess strategy - sometimes you have to sacrifice pieces to win the end game. There is no way Romney and his supporters can miss the bashing he is taking on TV and in the networks right now. Trump doesn't have to beat him down, his support...
  • November 25, 2016
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Well lets hope that's the case. He'll end up being more unpopular than O if it isn't.
  • November 25, 2016
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Safari Woman
I hope so too -
  • November 25, 2016
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Safari Woman
Just a hair of what I'm seeing out there - even KellyAnn is publicly coming out against Romney Public opinion has gone heavily anti -Romney - what is this doing to his existing power structure? 
  • November 25, 2016
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Safari Woman
One more thing - if the anti Romney opinion is overwhelming - which it is - how does this affect how Trumps decision not to choose Romney is perceived by the estab, when there must be a huge amount of pressure from within the elite estab GOP to do so or reinstate some of their power? I think it lets...
  • November 25, 2016
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Cezar Scribe
No Romney or Nikki Haley.
  • November 25, 2016
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