Dear President Trump,

My mother, God bless her, is an 84 year old lifelong Democrat who was on the Trump train from the beginning and voted for you. She is one of your biggest fans who was was thrilled over your inauguration and took in every minute of it.

She's politically as sharp as a tack. We talk about politics in every conversation. If you ever need a literal "Senior Advisor" she could be your woman! She is perfectly capable and still works four days a week in a candy store. Smile

However, that is not the message I am passing on.

She has kept up with the news of your first days but she doesn't have internet so she often calls to ask me what I am seeing online and even with my extremely good connections to REAL NEWS, there are times she knows as much or more than I do. Today, was one of those days and I could barely keep up with her excited political discussion. At one point, she asked what my overall thoughts about the past week were, but I don't think I got in too many words about them during her animated discourse. 

We had separately listened to your talk to the CIA and she remembered details about it that I had already forgotten. She went over almost every aspect of your speech with her analysis. At the end of this conversation, she told me, "If I could Tweet President Trump, I would tell him to stop bragging about himself because we support him, we love him and we have his back and he doesn't need to. Also, he needs to get over the election process and get on with being President." She also would tell you, "The liberals are trying to get under your skin in hopes you will do something to ruin your presidency." and "You should not react to their petty maneuvers but have your staff do it and to stay above the fray."

Of course, her saying "If I could Tweet" was mom talk for, "Will you please tweet?"

So, being a good daughter, I hope, I send you this message. I also hope it is taken with the genuine caring about you and this nation that it was given with. I've read the quotes to her and gotten her approval to send this.


Rubye's Daughter



Wanda Hope Carter
I am going to read this over to my mom for her approval or tweaking before I send it to President Trump and otherwise share this link. I will comment when I've done that so if anyone else wants to share this link, you can do so after changes, if any, are made. I want to be sure I remembered her mess...
  • January 23, 2017
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Way to go mom! It sounds like she knows what she is talking about!
  • January 23, 2017
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Robert Kenard
Did you send it? He's been toned down over the past, what has it been now, two days? ha
  • January 25, 2017
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Laurel Victory
Actually Wanda this is something that could go viral.
  • January 25, 2017
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Wanda Hope Carter
Welp, I read it to her, got her approval, came back and edited it - so it looks like I will be sending it off now.  I don't know who if anyone reads his @ tweets but - at least her thoughts will be sent.  
  • January 26, 2017
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very touching and heart warming. I hope it uplifts his spirit
  • January 26, 2017
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Your mom sounds like an amazing woman!! Good points and I completely agree.
  • January 27, 2017
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