There is only one cure for ignorance of this magnitude, and that is a cold hard taste of reality. Although those of us that are facing the reality of an economic crisis will have to suffer along with them, I feel saving them from their own ignorance now will only deepen it and postpone the inevitable collaspe of the dollar this ignorance eventually leads to. Hopefully a collaspe of the dollar will wake the idiots up from this liberal dream they are living and help them to understand the prosperity a constitutional republic will bring to all of us.

economics 101

Safari Woman
First - wow you did great! I am so happy to see you nailed how to blog! Thank you and congratulations, what a nice blog. 
Your post rings true even if it scares me. - I can totally believe the percent of libs who see much less believe  the reality we are in. I see it constantly! It is utterly maddeni...
  • September 20, 2012
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Janice  Vicks
these people are beyond getting it
i think that is why so many of them rotate in and out of jail, rehab, relationships etc
i think they just never learn. even if they bring things on themselves they always blame someone else. it won't be their fault even if things hit rock bottom. i think we are about...
  • September 22, 2012
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