After months of falsley demonizing Romney as being a mean guy that pays no taxes, Obama, Reid and the rest of the liberal idiots can shut their lying pie holes while they let the rest of the egg finish dripping off their faces. While trying to appear as the adults in the room, they act like spoiled children intent on getting their way.  Mittens has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt he is a compassionate man that is much more qualified to run this country than Obama and the rest of the liberal idiots.

(Politico Reports) Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney was far more generous to charities than President Barack Obama or Vice President Joe Biden last year, both in dollar terms and as a percentage of income, tax return data Romney’s campaign released Friday indicate.

(The Weekly Standard Reports) According to a statement released by the Romney campaign that summarizes the rate of taxes the Republican presidential nominee paid between 1990 and 2009, the rate at which Mitt Romney paid taxes is approximately equal to what President Barack Obama paid last year.

bahahah!!! I don't see how the dems ever get anything done due to all the time they spend wiping egg from their faces.
  • September 22, 2012
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Congratulations again! BTW this is the first thing I've shared publicly. I am starting with putting it out on my private fb page. We have one more thing to fix before we can have a soft opening. But I decided to open after that is addressed, even though we have a lot of features not implemented yet....
  • September 22, 2012
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