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The latest professional looking phishing mail I saw was from a phisher who spoofed Amazon saying the credit card information wasn't correct to please make changes. Who ever did it was really good at creating a professional looking form mail with logos, button images, carefully placed customer service numbers for if there were any questions, a privacy notice at the bottom and it was very well written. 

I checked the sender and it was not from an Amazon address as well as I went onto Amazon and looked in messages to confirm it also wasn't there. It is always easy and best to check the messages at Amazon if for some reason the phisher was able to spoof an Amazon sender address. If Amazon sends any message through an email, it is always there too. 

When I went to Amazon it required a text or call method to confirm my log in. This tells me the phisher most likely ran a series of attempts to hack the account there and in which case the trigger set off by multiple attempts caused two things to happen. One, it told the phisher there was an actual account related to that address confirming they have a target at the other end of it, and two it made me have to accept a confirmation text to get into Amazon the next time I visited.  

I went looking for an easy way to report these without having to fill out a form and came across the page from FTC attached below, and another put out by the IRS since tax time is here when phishers like to take advantage of possible recent tax related activities by their targets. Both offer an easy to forward to address and other simple ways to report phishing. I always report because phishing mails are taken seriously by law enforcement and watch dog groups, but first they have to be reported for them to recognize and trace the threats.

Copyright 20221 aka SafariWoman all rights not otherwise assigned are reserved.

they take it seriously unless it is antifa doxing a conservative or democraps changing votes
  • February 18, 2021
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