Robert W. Malone MD invented the mRNA vaccines. These are the same types of vaccines used for inoculation against Covid-19 aka the CHINA VIRUS. He has been issuing factual information about how they work and even cautionary commentary on the results of their uses. LinkedIn informed him that his posts were misleading and inaccurate to justify censoring him.

As we know, LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft. So, we are living in a time when non medical professional media censors are censoring a Doctor who is the actual inventor of the medicine in question because his information doesn't fit the leftist designated narrative (LIES) they are pushing.

After all, how dare you want to know more than leftist driven big media approves of so that you can think for yourself to make informed decisions about what is best for your own health.  

Here is his recent Twitter post announcing the restriction and a link to the post if you are interested in comments.

Here is a link of his full "crimes" against LinkedIn policies: 


Dr Malone's Twitter Account is still active at this date if you want to follow his posts or check out various commentaries. You don't have to be a member to see his profile.

A good commentary on Who is Robert Malone and internet censorship. 


Dr. Malone's website is attached below:

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