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Honestly, it blows my mind this bill was introduced by anyone and much more so by a Republican Florida Senator. This is a copy of the letter I sent my Senate representative:

Senate Bill 1316 https://flsenate.gov/Sess...

I am a long term conservative registered voter and owner of multiple websites, since 1999, where one or more hosts or links to general blogging which may at times include people writing or commenting about the persons targeted by the registering blogger section of this bill. I find the demands of the registration to be frankly outrageous. 

Besides being outside of understood first amendment rights, this broad and scarcely worded law would be a nightmare for site owners who may also blog along with other members. I understand it seems to address blogs being specifically paid for, but there are many paid bloggers who may not be paid by manners as the bill may assume are directly related to paid propaganda or agendas. 

Bloggers who have general sponsors, website owners who earn from subscriptions to use their sites, those who list ads that might pay per click could all be swept up in this nightmare of a bill. 

Even if it was spelled out more carefully and precisely, it still to me seems far beyond the scope of what government should be controlling. I am opposed to it in the heart of it's reach as well as due to details which would cause many to suffer just to express their views. I find this portion of the bill actually uninformed, insulting to conservative principles and a violation of constitutional rights. 

It's making Republicans in general look like ___________. Lots of words for that blank are appropriate and none of them are good.

I hope you will work to crush this part of the bill. I can't imagine what good it would do anyone to leave it as is. 

Thanks for your consideration. 

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