
'Boom, boom, boom everywhere... kill': Chilling words of British Muslim terrorists' ringleader as he plotted to murder 2,000 people in Al-Qaeda-backed atrocity in supermarkets and town centres

Irfan Khalid, 27,  Irfan Naseer, 31 and Ashik Ali, 27,  all from Birmingham, were today convicted of plotting the 'spectacular campaign' designed to claim as many lives as the 2005 London Underground bombs that killed 52 people. They were 'central figures' in an Islamic plot to set off bombs and possibly other devices on timers in crowded areas in Britain.  They posed as fundraisers for a Muslim charity  to raise £12,000 for bomb devices . Police found a burnt note that detailed the bomb-making process.


Topics: terrorism, UK, plot, Muslims
Linda Mihalic
Good that it's coming out. I keep declaring that nothing they do can remain hidden.
  • February 21, 2013
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Safari Woman
Good grief!!! Thank goodness this is coming to light. Like Linda, I pray in faith that evil will find no place to hide.
  • February 22, 2013
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