posted 4 hours ago by Filed Under Economics, Family

Having the wonderful wife that I do, she often sends me things that may be worth writing about and this is one of them.  She gleaned these words of wisdom from someone’s post on Facebook.  I often ignore these, but this one got my attention, partially because I once worked in the intensive care section of a nursing home and partially because I am utterly disgusted with our prison system.

The wonderful words of wisdom are:

Mike Blackwood
makes sense to me! 
  • February 25, 2013
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Good points!  But I don't underst and that last sentence.   "It’s pretty sad that we treat prisoners better than the elderly.”  Who are "we"?  Otherwise, I loved the comparison!

Read more:
  • February 25, 2013
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Alice Annette Schultz
The 'we' I think he is talking about is our society as a whole.  Our legislators have made prison a retirement home for criminals rather than a rehab center, and our elderly citizens waste away forgotten by loved ones and often times mistreated and/or ignored by those the relatives pay to care for t...
  • February 26, 2013
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Safari Woman
good one
  • February 26, 2013
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