Lol, over the past few days, I've been arguing with a feminist whose been attacking men blaming us for everything and spitting venom in all directions. I made a point yesterday about how since the feminists took over womens rights that the vast majority of local womens rights groups had closed their doors and most 2women didn't even know where to sign up if they wanted to join a womens rights group. She called me a liar and said I didn't know what I was talking about so I challenged here and her friends to look around and see if they could find one. Her friends, who had also been attacking me, came back one by one reporting there were no womens rights groups in their area. Then the woman I was arguing with came back saying "I'll be damned, the womens group I belong to shut their doors in 2006".

So, let me get this straight. This woman was calling me a liar when she apparently had not participated with her own womens rights group since before 2006?? Seven years ago and she didn't know they closed their doors?

This reveals just how out of touch these Uber Feminists are as if they're not stripping off their shirts and blowing tops when every man in town lines up asking where to sign to make this legal... they're claiming to represent every woman's interests when they don't even know that largely because of them, the vast majority of womens rights groups have closed down not because the cause of womens rights have been won, but because most women do not support these angry, hate filled women who do nothing but attack and blame men until they reach a point where it's clear they hate the male gender completely when they go after our sons from the moment they are born.

Somewhere along the line, these feminists lost all sense of reason and logic because most women may have problems with men at some point... but they also have men in their lives they love and care about including their sons. If all the feminists can do is preach hate, allow their rage to consume them and become as bad or worse than chauvinists so as to become female versions of everything they profess to hate... why would women support them?

It has nothing to do with men, it's these feminists who most women now view as wrong so that at best most women are now apathetic about the cause of womens rights accepting what life has to offer them... or they actually oppose the feminists choosing to make use of the opportunities available to them on an individual basis or even choose to be a traditional homemaker rejecting the feminists completely.

Most women who identify themselves as feminists tend to be angry and spiteful people without cause, reason or common sense acting no differently than what they claim to hate about men... they're just female versions of male chauvinists.

But I found it funny when she told us her own womens groups had closed it's doors and her friends turned on her actually asking her how she could call me a liar about womens rights groups closing down when her own group closed down seven years ago and she didn't even know lol.

I am a staunch womens rights supporter but I am anti feminist. If I met a woman who was a hard worker and wanted me to stay home to take care of the kids and housework, I'd have not problem with it if she had the earning potential to pay the bills... problem there is while the feminists want equal rights, they also preach to women to never marry a man who doesn't have a job even if you have ten times his earning potential lol. I guess they want women to do the jobs of men but are bigots towards the idea of men doing the work of women... a double standard? Hypocrisy? Or just good ol' discrimination based on gender? Being disabled, I could better play the role of caregiver than provider but women don't want that from men even if we are now seeing the damage of not having at least one parent in the household to raise our children as the past generation and todays generation have pretty much had to raise themselves and are hopelessly lost to a point many of them will live with their parents until they're 40 years old.

Whatever happened to equality as all feminists seem to want it the equality of opposites where they prove they are equal to the worst male chauvinists and woman haters in our society.

Funny ehh.

Woman with an angry vagina (explicit monologue)

Feminists at a meeting discussing battered men

One of the most powerful feminists explaining her view on Feminists

A real woman and modern womens rights supporter


Safari Woman
I always come across your blogs when I am so tired I can't think straight much less type lol
But yeah, feminazis.... I don't have much use for them.
Quick thoughts........ I've been through a lot of S__ via relationships in my life but I take the blame for making really bad choices for all but one b...
  • March 9, 2013
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We're on the same track with the disintegration of the family.   Hopefully some happening or some kind of enlightenment will turn this around one day in the future.  If not, as a society, we're doomed!
  • March 9, 2013
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Have you noticed that in the porn industry men generally have their heads cut off so all we see are women and other than gay men videos, lesbians tend to be the most popular in porn. The point being that while we look at women as victims and the guys getting a free ride so to say, the porn industry ...
  • March 9, 2013
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In the 1960's I was ripe for drugs and women rights but, I was 19, the mother of two, and I had neither the time nor the inclination to zone out or to fight for anything that would have changed the only life I knew.
I was, however, smart enough to see where this movement was going and I knew that it ...
  • March 9, 2013
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Well my view is a bit different but I understand your view. It turns out that women who work are ten times more unhappy with their lives than men are... even when they are top earners and millionaires. When "equality" was the idea, then women understood that if they earned more than a man then why n...
  • March 9, 2013
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Well thank you Chaos!  It's refreshing to hear that my opinion isn't necessarily that of other people but that it's OK!  On SodaHead I would have been denigrated, cursed and otherwise made to feel that I'm the sole reason for the world's woe's!
However, don't get me wrong.  Of course I'm for things l...
  • March 10, 2013
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Hey, their behavior has led to a growing number of demasculated men becoming shemales lol... look at China. Feminists here fought to change the Chinese governments opposition to abortion with everyone warning them what would happen... but they didn't listen. China adopted a one child policy where yo...
  • March 9, 2013
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Linda Mihalic
These people have given the word "feminine" a bad name. They are sexist shemales.
  • March 9, 2013
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Susan McClaren
I saw the Vagina Monologues and thought a lot of it was pretty funny. I am not a radical feminist, or I don't think that I am, but sometimes we have to laugh at things. None of this would have been neccessary if both sexes were treated equally. I want to know where are the feminists now in response ...
  • March 9, 2013
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It's a joke how the feminists view Muslims. Over 5,000 women and girls are stoned to death every year in Muslim nations for not doing what they are told by their husbands and fathers. They don't even know how many children are killed for being "too western" or how many gays are killed. After we "lib...
  • March 10, 2013
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Cassie Simpson
This is pretty long I don't have time to read it all. And I wouldn't know where to start to comment on it... But I was looking through comments and see this. "All statistics on this matter reveal that more men are abused by women than women abused by men. Where are any statistics that say this? "
  • March 10, 2013
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Chaoskitty123 Statistics like this one reveal how large the numbers are of actual reported cases. In the numbers of actual reported cases, the numbers reveal more women are abused. However, all those doing the research point out that men are far more likely to not report being abused...
  • March 11, 2013
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