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I found this article revealing and fascinating but not surprising! A straight shooter from Obama's past.....


OBAMA CLASSMATE AT OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE: Barack sought "revolution, where the working class would overthrow the ruling class"

Well, this certainly helps explain things. Dr. John Drew was a classmate of President Obama at Occidental College. Several years ago, he was interviewed by Paul Kengor on The Glen Meakem Show. The little-publicized interview was previously available only in audio form and it did not receive significant attention. The following transcript offers some fascinating insights into Barack Obama's worldview.

Q: I interviewed you for my book Dupes a year ago and you had contact me a couple of years ago because you read a piece that I wrote for American Thinker and it was called "Dreams from Frank Marshall Davis" and it was on Obama's background and youth.

Frank Marshall Davis was an actual Party member and that's something, John, I spent two or three years on investigating, but there's no question about it... the documentation is there, a 1957 Senate report called him "and identified member of the Communist Party", there's an FBI file that's 600 pages, and I took ten or twelve pages from that report and put it in the appendix of my book. It even lists Davis' Communist Party card number, which was 47544, so very clear. Why is all of this relevant? Well, I think it explains, at least to some degree, that -- if he's not a Communist, he's at least very far to the left -- and has some very left-oriented views. But you met Obama when he left Frank Marshall Davis in 1980 coming from Hawaii and went to Occidental College. So tell us about when Obama got there and when you met.

A: I see myself as Barack Obama's missing link from his exposure to Communism through Frank Marshall Davis and his later exposure to Bill Ayers and Alice Palmer in Chicago. So, as far as I can tell, I'm the only one of Obama's extended circle of friends who's spoken out and verified that he was a Marxist-Leninist in his sophomore year of college, from 1980 to 1981.

I met him because I graduated from Occidental College in 1979 and I was back at Occidental visiting a girlfriend. I met him because of the relationship which I'd started my senior year at Occidental --


But Safari.......do you have any proof?  lol
  • March 17, 2013
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Safari Woman
Ahhhhhhhhh where would I start? lol
  • March 18, 2013
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people were lookin at me like i was crazy in 07 when i was trying to tell them he is a marxist... i lost a few friends over that & now its out and been out that he really was..... maybe i should say is
  • March 18, 2013
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Safari Woman
Me too in fact I lost my best friend over this very thing.
  • March 18, 2013
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Unortunately, I refuse to befriend in any meaningful way a liberal.  I don't think I could stomach it.
  • March 19, 2013
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I never heard of him until the campaign trail.  However, after listening to several debates and hearing his Marxist ideas, there could be no doubt.  But like you, I was looking around wondering when the liberals were going to catch on.  They didn't... and they never will. 
  • March 19, 2013
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Susan McClaren
I knew what he was after hearing the first and only speech I listened to him make. It was enough for me. He sounded just like the Marxist Professors. Distribution of Wealth? After his comment to Joe I was left with not a single doubt. 
  • March 20, 2013
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