Before posting this, I must say that I absolutely despise the term "workers" to identify employees.  The term in my estimation is demeaning and degrading to the individual, bringing them down to the level of what could be termed a coolee or a slave.  This has only taken hold since the beginning of the 0vomit adminstration when he first took office and they have the entire country referring to themselves as workers instead of employees.  Enough of my rant for the day - this article is very interesting if you think there is any grace, leniency, or provision for aiding seniors in their retirement in the years to come.   I also believe that the thought of taxing what is left after the yearly cap would fall into the category of double taxation.  Correct me if I am wrong - PLEASE!!  Talk about being cut off at the ____ uh - yea, he's fixing to do that too!

Sarah Paskowitz
I don't understand why are we letting him do this?
  • April 9, 2013
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Safari Woman is online.
This sucks - what more can I say? It equals to more deterents to those who might have higher aspirations.
  • April 9, 2013
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William Davis Hall
The democrats won't be happy until they have every penny that we earn above the poverty line. 
  • April 10, 2013
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