
If North Korea is relatively new area in your knowledge bank, this is the book for you.   No boring history or suppositions, but stories of people who have lived under the regime and have managed to escape. 

You'll learn that North Koreans have only one radio and TV station; both of which are controlled and propagandized by the government. that these people really believe that the Kim Jongs are deities!  When asked if the Jong's defecated, the popular opinion was "NO, of course not!".  Want to travel the comparable distance between Philadelphia and Baltimore?  Can't do it unless you have a permit.  If your brother is arrested for a crime against the regime, then the three generations surrounding him will be rounded up and placed in concentration camps where the conditions are deplorable.

It's a real story about North Korea and how it is today.  Yes, it's a pitiable story but unless we know how horribly these people are being treated the word will never get out!

It's an interesting and worthwhile look at this country that the world knows so little about.

Safari Woman
This sounds fascinating!  
  • April 24, 2013
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Actually......I don't read 'books'.  I have already purchased over (100) 'books' from and it's worth its' weight in gold!  I can listen while I'm in bed, in the car, in the dentist chair, having sex, driving.........  tucked that gem in there to see if I had your attention...............!
  • April 24, 2013
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Safari Woman
hahaha - Certainly in some cases listening to certain books during sex would definitely add to the experience. Others in some cases would at least give one the satisfaction that they hadn't completely wasted their time. lol
  • April 24, 2013
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Rocky we know some of the same gentlemen..................
  • April 25, 2013
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Marge Pauls
"Gem"...I was talking about "gem!" lol
  • April 24, 2013
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