Money, Economics & Finances

Gregory Alan of Johnson

The following link explains the dangers of Marriage Certificates/Licenses in conciseness and detail that is beyond my English abilities: The above clearly explains...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: The International Monetary Fund is one of the most secretive and powerful organizations in the world. They monitor the financial health of more than 185 countries… they establish global money rules… and provide “bai...
Safari Woman

Excerpts: You won’t hear CNBC, Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal or any corporate mainstream media outlet reference the fact retail sales growth is at the exact same levels as when recession hit in 2008 and 2001. Their job i...
Wanda Hope Carter

I wonder how many times in my life I have said that!?  Everyday lately and especially after Hurricane Matthew, I find myself saying that multiple times a day!  Hurricane Updates - The insurance guy finally came out and I will...
Safari Woman

No surprises here. The left's agenda is to get people down and keep them there by making them fear a vote for anyone else would take away the stipens that the government hands out to them. Their policies and social programs d...
Wanda Hope Carter

This is the untold story of a poster that previously offered real hope and change to millions of people from around the world, and how it was pulled from stores to be replaced with Obama's poster containing a catch phrase of ...
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