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Gregory Alan of Johnson

The following link explains the dangers of Marriage Certificates/Licenses in conciseness and detail that is beyond my English abilities: The above clearly explains...
Joseph Ryan

Why Obama won and what we need to do! Many Americans who are concerned about liberty and the economy were surprised and discouraged by the reelection of Barak Obama and the Democrats regaining the Senate. I was concerned beca...
Wanda Hope Carter

I know there are much bigger problems that I could be facing in life but the last few days of wrestling with a software program, Flash Design, has thrown up one brick wall after the other leaving me wanting to punch something...
Safari Woman

5/19/16 I am so saddened and disheartened to see the young, and younger than me people I know, falling for the enticement of socialism. When I come across anything that points out issues I think they might pay attention to ev...
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