Topic: Amnesty

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Safari Woman

I think it is urgent that we alert people to what is really going on here! I thought I knew this topic fairly well but some of this was shocking! Excerpts: Obama’s Immigration Bill and his ensuing amnesty are not mainly abou...
Safari Woman

An amnesty advocate that President Barack Obama’s White House publicly promoted as part of its “Champion of Change” series has been indicted in federal court on charges of fraud. Bonnie M. Youn, who Obama’s White House touts ...
Safari Woman

Excerpts: "Friday, from the floor of the House of Representatives, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi attacked her Republican colleagues for their push of passage of two bills to deal with the ongoing crisis at the U.S. south...
Safari Woman

EXCERPTS: Already furious after a summer that saw American Border Patrol agents turned into a “babysitting service for tens of thousands of illegal aliens crossing the border with the administration’s blessing, the immigratio...
Safari Woman

We are constantly being told by President Obama and Republican appeasers such as Sen. John McCain, that we simply “cannot deport millions of people.” However, history has proven this to be a lie… In 1954, President Dwight D....
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