Topic: black

I really enjoy TeamNetworks.Net and the great people I have met here!
I sponsored this ad to show some love. :)
Safari Woman

Oct 4, 2015 It took a lot of searching to discover some of these items I'm posting and I've left off the mainstream reported facts that most people are apparently aware of. I find the networks oddly relatively quiet about th...
Safari Woman

LOL oh my, my, my ---- So, the NAACP said, “One’s racial identity is not a qualifying criteria or disqualifying standard for NAACP leadership. The NAACP Alaska-Oregon-Washington State Conference stands behind Ms. Dolezal’s ad...
Safari Woman

This site has come in handy for me so many times for the great page it has containing information about the first black persons in Congress. There are still thousands of images and articles out there and being passed around ...
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