Topic: Florida

Willis Pebble

Andrew Gillum may have accepted illegal campaign ContributionsTomorrow Floridians will be voting for the next governor of our State. The importance of this office cannot be overstated. All Floridians must know that their gove...
Willis Pebble

Gillum Tied to Dog-whistling Democrats Who Used the “M” Word.  Democratic Andrew Gillum may have a problem in his bid to govern Florida and bring the same high murder rate to Florida that he did to Tallahassee. It has been re...
Joseph Ryan

    Ron DeSantis is the first candidate seeking statewide office in Florida who is against common core. Having Ron DeSantis, as our Governor, is probably the only way we can finally stop common core in Florida. Other than, to...
Willis Pebble

It is time to send the common core pushers with their Big Education cronies a message. If you stand with the educrats and against our kids and against quality teachers, you will not win in Florida. Adam Putnam is Jeb's handpi...
Willis Pebble

What happened at the DeSantis vs. Putnam Republican gubernatorial debate Common Core and Cookie-cutter education I love the fact that Ron DeSantis said he was against common core in his opening statement. I do think the Adam ...
Joseph Ryan

What is Wrong with Florida SPB 7022, The Gun Confication and Banning Bill I am a parent of two daughters in a Florida High School. Like many, I was deeply saddened by the tragedy at Parkland. I was also frightened that those...
Wanda Hope Carter is online.

After weeks of searching for a boat that included driving around the state of Florida looking at one disappointment after the other, and dealing with a variety of types of listing brokers, I made two good finds.  One was a bo...
Wanda Hope Carter is online.

I got some inside scoops from a relative who works on St George St. The reports about what happened at the fort are attached below. What kind of security company runs a  training exercise without coordinating with law enforc...
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