Topic: Parents

Safari Woman is online.

Oct 4, 2015 It took a lot of searching to discover some of these items I'm posting and I've left off the mainstream reported facts that most people are apparently aware of. I find the networks oddly relatively quiet about th...
Safari Woman is online.

EXCERPTS: As Commander-in-Chief, your actions — or lack thereof — Mr. President, cost lives. As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, your cowardly lack of leadership has...
Safari Woman is online.

As well he should be!  Excerpts:  Obama addressed the nation the day after video of James Foley being beheaded by ISIS jihadist was published. Obama said, 'We will be vigilant and we will be relentless . . . to see that justi...
Willis Pebble

It is time to send the common core pushers with their Big Education cronies a message. If you stand with the educrats and against our kids and against quality teachers, you will not win in Florida. Adam Putnam is Jeb's handpi...
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