Topic: vets

Safari Woman is online.

Finally! Americans acting like AMERICANS! Thank you to the truckers and vets who showed up to let the legislators in DC know how WE the people feel. Following are some of the best items found to date and this will be added to...
Safari Woman is online.

Grab a hankie, you might need it for some of these are truly moving! They are in a facebook album. I'm not sure of the privacy settings of this album so you may have to be logged into FB to see them. Worth the log in!!!!...
Willis Pebble

After hearing Obama's speach on veteren's Day I had to finish this blog, lest we forget. Killing private Ryan If you have not seen the movie “Saving Private Ryan” You probably remember the beginning, the morning of D-Day, at ...
Safari Woman is online.

EXCERPTS: So Holder is doing nothing – going to let the people of the VA be their own police. Big surprise right? This administration has been throwing vets under the bus all along – like seeing them shut out of the Veterans ...
Willis Pebble

Obama's "spread the pain around"  Solution to the Government(13%) shutdown Here is what president Obama is doing to make the 13% government shutdown hurt as as many people as possible, and the reaction to it. It is beginning ...
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