The hits keep on coming — to the work hours of special education aides, school bus drivers, cafeteria workers, custodians, home-care workers, adjunct faculty and college students.

With this week's addition of 28 documented examples of employers cutting work hours to dodge fines levied under ObamaCare's employer insurance mandate, IBD's list now includes 429 employers.

(The ObamaCare Employer Mandate List, substantiated with links to news sources and public documents, is available for downloading at

Among the new additions are seven school districts, bringing the total to 130 districts where hours have been cut or permanent staff outsourced to avoid taking on new costs for employees who work at least 30 hours a week — considered full time under ObamaCare.

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This is falling flat on its face. Interesting that it is hittling government workers also.

At what point would 0bama recognize obamacare as a failure and why does he lack the ability to see farther than his eyelashes?  It doesn't take an economist or historian to see where this is going!

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