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Yesterday I posted that the real gain in previously uninsured who signed up through obamacare was 1.4 million. Now we have 1.3 million that can't be validated as citizens. Anyone else see a trend here? (Now if we could just find the number of enrollees that are on the government assisted plans... )


During his State of the Union speech in 2009, President Barack Obama said that Obamacare would not cover illegal immigrants. Congressman Joe Wilson (R-South Carolina) famously heckled at Obama, “You lie!” in response.

Well, it turns out that Congressman Wilson may have been right. A new Department of Health and Human Services report finds that nearly 1.3 million who signed up for Obamacare through cannot verify whether or not they are in the country legally.

From Breitbart News:

A devastating new Health and Human Services (HHS) Inspector General report released on Tuesday reveals that the Obama administration has yet to determine whether 1,295,571 of the over 8 million Obamacare enrollees are U.S. citizens lawfully in the country.

The finding, located on page 11 of the report, states that 44% of the remaining 2,611,780 application “inconsistencies” are related to verifying “Citizenship/national status/lawful presence.” Another 960,492 application inconsistencies were related to verifying whether subsidy applicants provided accurate income information.

Moreover, the Inspector General report only covered the federal Obamacare exchanges to determine how the Obama administration resolved verification problems through December 2013. As for the 15 state-run Obamacare exchanges, the report says four–Oregon, Nevada, Vermont, and Massachusetts–are simply “unable to resolve inconsistencies.” 


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