Stay distracted or you might get your head cut off
How the media treats terrorism by car Islamic vs Supremicist
Paul Joseph Watson on two alt-rights
Once a mind is encoded with a lie it is damn near impossible to reverse the effects of it even with a retraction
Bezos owns Amazon Whole Foods Washington Post
If people can not write well they cannot think well George Orwell quote
CNN Very Fake News Paid Family News Headlines
Analyzing the Con
American Journalism under the thumb of Obama and the Communists
Goebbels and the New York Times Propaganda
Women painting WWII propaganda posters NY 1942
Ayaan Hirsi Ali quote Political Correctness PC
Refugee Propaganda Photo
When you change the subject to the pentagon losing 6 and half trillion you get the fluoride stare
bernays on manipulation
snake saves fish
Fake News Channels Colluded with Clinton According to Podesta Mails
Fake News like The Gentle Giant Peaceful Protests Hands up dont shoot Benghazi because of You Tube Video
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