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internet vs television
Operation Mockingbird
Mind Control - Same Author different perspective of Hillary and Melania wearing white
Star Trek explores ancient brainwashing called TV
Anderson Cooper and Megyn Kelly - skeletons come out of the closet
Fake News - Gentle Giant - Peaceful Protest - Hands Up Dont Shoot - Benghazi was caused by a YouTube Video
Don't Think
HuffPo Journalists MAKE UP YOUR MIND Is Clapper a perjured lying criminal or an unimpeachable reliable witness
PC has to stop Sebastian Gorka quote
When CNN uses same girl in 3 different refugee crisis pictures being saved by 3 different men
You are not crazy you are awake in an insane world
New York Times Fake News Source of Progressives
What the Channel Letters Stand For NBC Nothing but Crap CNN Crap News Network
Facebook Unbiased News Department Branco cartoon
Fake News You mean like Obama and Hillary Blaming a youtube video for Benghazi
Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty - Goebbels quote
Time for your brainwashing News at 6 and 10 PM
tv is mind control
The Problem is not people being uneducated
controlled opposition
free your mind from mental slavery
Media lies Will you listen to them
EVIL Brainwashing by Progressives
Hierarchy of Disagreement by Paul Graham
Same Paper Same Date Different Markets Media Mind Control
American Journalism Propaganda and Prostitution
The first victim of war is TRUTH
Good Evening Its the 6 Oclock News and Here is what we want you to think MEDIA MIND CONTROL
The Main Stream Media Beat Goes On
The Aim of Public Education is to put down dissent and originality H L Mencken quote
Caution the media is NOT a reflection of reality
For the left Speech is a psyop maneuver
Everything is NOT okay
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