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Weapons of Mass Deception - Mainstream News AKA Lame Stream News
Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners
Repetition put you to sleep and can wake you up
While the media keeps you distracted with bathrooms
8 types of innovation
Stop being politically correct Start being morally right Jeanine Pirro quote
You have been lied to about everything
Breaking News
Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain
PC is thought control
How to free your mind step 1
Is what you believe is true really true Jason Bailor
ministry of propaganda
Brand mind control
TV Number 1 Weapon of Mass Deception
The war in Iraq who is to blame Bankers and Weapons Manufacturers
Repeat after me I am Free
Adolph HItler quote make the lie big simple and repeat it until they believe it
Fox News Controlled Opposition Al-Waleed bin Talal quote Strong America
Benjamin Franklin Quote Overthrow Liberty by Subduing Free Speech
What do Stalin Hitler Castro obama have in common - using kids to push gun control
A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance when the need for illusion is deep Saul Bellow quote
Horror Movie soundtracks use infrasound inducing anxiety heart palpitations and shivering
PC Political correctness is a farce You are an American Start Acting Like One
The lefts war on blacks DNC NAACP ACORN Democrat plantation CJ Pearson
Live Report straight from Obamas little finger
Phrases to avoid in the University of California
What are you watching on TV tonight
If NBC starts firing people for lying there will be nobody left
If all the news sounds the same consider this - they are all owned by the same six corporations
Television Programming FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR Give us your power we will save you
This is your brain after watching TV
Write the following words in alphabetical order - 2nd grade autistic child response
It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority
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