Mark Twain quote about journalists and the media
The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the  opressed Steve Biko quote
Leftwing Media Propaganda Whores
Time for your brainwashing News at 6 and 10 PM
bernays on manipulation
Good Evening Its the 6 Oclock News and Here is what we want you to think MEDIA MIND CONTROL
Refugee Propaganda Photo
No matter how many times they repeat it It is still a lie - brainwashing propaganda mind control
Fake News Channels Colluded with Clinton According to Podesta Mails
The Aim of Public Education is to put down dissent and originality H L Mencken quote
Free Speech is the Opposite of Political Correctness
Mainstream Media is Obamas Praetorian Guard - For the Libs - that means palace guard.
Dalrymple quote on PC and communism
Are you sure you want to force me to take a vaccine REMEMBER NUREMBERG
When one American Who Had Done Nothing Wrong is Forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth then all Americans are in peril - Harry Truman
Brand mind control
Everyone is different Problem is most people want to be the same
Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners
EVIL Brainwashing by Progressives
Life in Mayberry - Opie asks What does PC mean
Chris Matthews and Robert Ley both insist their Fuhrers are always right
Theres no evidence of election fraud brainwashing media mind control
Once a mind is encoded with a lie it is damn near impossible to reverse the effects of it even with a retraction
Dunblane Massacre Used To Take Away Guns Case Sealed for 100 Years
Are you brainwashed and compliant to the point you would stand in the rain because paint on the sidewalk told you to
Why the letter L should be banned
Government Agent propaganda trolls
HuffPo Journalists MAKE UP YOUR MIND Is Clapper a perjured lying criminal or an unimpeachable reliable witness
8 types of innovation
CNN Very Fake News Paid Family News Headlines
If I say Darth Vader is Tyrannical I Will Be Called a Racist Because He Is Black
Make Sure Your Worst Enemy is not Living Between Your Own Two Ears
Why globalists and communists push lies through propaganda
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