What are you watching on TV tonight
Horror Movie soundtracks use infrasound inducing anxiety heart palpitations and shivering
The More We Do To You the Less You Seem To Believe We are Doing it Joseph Mengele Quote
fake news awards 2018
Operation Mockingbird
What do Stalin Hitler Castro obama have in common - using kids to push gun control
I dont watch CNN for the same reason I dont drink out of a toilet
Weapons of Mass Deception - Mainstream News AKA Lame Stream News
Write the following words in alphabetical order - 2nd grade autistic child response
Media lies Will you listen to them
Who Owns Media
Danger you are being conditioned to view your freedom as selfish
Fake News Media Using Their Imagination
Wall Street Journal Headlines to manipulate
Same Paper Same Date Different Markets Media Mind Control
Television is Mind Control TURN IT OFF!
Bernays quote on propaganda
Mind Control - Same Author different perspective of Hillary and Melania wearing white
BBC Lied about anti covid lock down turn outs in London
Television Programming FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR Give us your power we will save you
If people can not write well they cannot think well George Orwell quote
Hypocritical perception of media bashing - Obama vs Trump
Google vs DuckDuckGo definition of nationalism
What the Channel Letters Stand For NBC Nothing but Crap CNN Crap News Network
Do you really think it is a gun problem?
tv is mind control
Trust the science and CDC on Covid-19 - hahahahaha - or not
New York Times Fake News Source of Progressives
If Social Media Fact Checkers Had Been Around Way Back In The Day
Emergency Procedure if your friend swallows msm bs
When you change the subject to the pentagon losing 6 and half trillion you get the fluoride stare
The Problem is not people being uneducated
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