EVIL Brainwashing by Progressives
Why fight when you can manipulate your way out of an uprising
PC is thought control
Danger you are being conditioned to view your freedom as selfish
Democrats waiting to be told who or what they should be offended about now
Television Programming FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR Give us your power we will save you
Operation Mockingbird
Brainwashing - when white people protest against white people
Emergency Procedure if your friend swallows msm bs
While the media keeps you distracted with bathrooms
The first victim of war is TRUTH
fake news awards 2018
Breaking News
The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the  opressed Steve Biko quote
Women painting WWII propaganda posters NY 1942
Propaganda has to acommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent Adolf Hitler quote
For the left Speech is a psyop maneuver
What are you watching on TV tonight
schools socialism
If all the news sounds the same consider this - they are all owned by the same six corporations
Paul Joseph Watson on two alt-rights
Fake News Media Using Their Imagination
snake saves fish
Horror Movie soundtracks use infrasound inducing anxiety heart palpitations and shivering
naval intelligence officer predicted 911 wrote this about false flag shool shootings
The Main Stream Media Beat Goes On
Why do we have wars - Answered
The Problem is not people being uneducated
BBC Lied about anti covid lock down turn outs in London
Liberal Logic 101 Liberals VS Christians
Media Brainwashing and Mind Cotnrol First Covid Now Ukraine
The Aim of Public Education is to put down dissent and originality H L Mencken quote
Good Evening Its the 6 Oclock News and Here is what we want you to think MEDIA MIND CONTROL
Once a mind is encoded with a lie it is damn near impossible to reverse the effects of it even with a retraction
Fox News Controlled Opposition Al-Waleed bin Talal quote Strong America
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