To Achieve The American Dream Remember Your ABCs

American Dream TEAM!


Inspiration, Motivation and Self Help
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Paul Valery quote The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up
I am stronger, fearless and wise BECAUSE
Martin Luther King Quote The time is always right to do what is right
Teaching to people to live off American taxpayers that's an American Nightmare NOT the American Dream quote
I used to pray for somebody Then I realized I am somebody
Act like you love yourself
Dreams are made if people try
Do it now while there is still time
In spite of everything I shall rise again Van Gogh quote
Champion quote Muhammed Ali
Go the extra mile It is never crowded
The best place is in someones arms
Success looks like today
Use negative as motivation
So many angles So many elements - Calatravas Agora Athens
When you face your struggles You overcome them
For A Stay away from negative people
The victory of success is half won when one sets goals Og Mandino quote
Judy Garland Quote on Being a First Rate Version of Yourself
Do something you've never done
If you are not willing to risk it all you do not want it bad enough
Use imagination to create reality not to escape it
For U Roxana Jones quote When we understand ourselves
You alone are responsible for your happiness
While one person hesitates another is busy
Education is not the learning of facts Albert Einstein quote
famous failures
There is no glory in practice
It is the lens through which your brain views the world that shapes your reality
Integrity is
Love yourself and the world will follow
The hard times you go through make you stronger
The difference between who you are is what you do
Believe in yourself and ignore the critics
Build your dream
Giving it your all and the crazy idea
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