To Achieve The American Dream Remember Your ABCs

American Dream TEAM!


Inspiration, Motivation and Self Help
I used to pray for somebody Then I realized I am somebody
You are unique in all of Gods creations
I am not what happened to me I am what I choose to become
Education is not the learning of facts Albert Einstein quote
My Hero Tamyra
So many angles So many elements - Calatravas Agora Athens
Use negative as motivation
My strength did not come from lifting weights
Your Mind is a garden your thoughts are seeds
TN Group Button American Dreaam
An arrow can only be shot after first pulling it backwards
famous failures
If you aim at nothing you will hit it every time Zig Ziggler quote
Everyday Magic By Wanda Hope Carter Copyright 1996
How clear are the windows that you look through every day
Move on with your head held high
While one person hesitates another is busy
Be Stronger Than Your Strongest Excuse
A Have nothing to do with fruitless deeds of darkness - Expose them Ephesians 5-11
Isaiah 40 - 31
My only talent is I just don't quit
Kids who never have to earn anything will appreciate nothing
Sunday Blessing
Use imagination to create reality not to escape it
Ludwig Von Mises quote Many Self-Taught excel the college educated
X X Awesome
Sometimes holding on does more damage than letting go
Look at life through the windshield not the rear view mirror
Visualize it Make a Mental Blueprint
There is no glory in practice
Nikola Tesla quote about discouragement
If I can't picture it I can't understand it - Albert Einstein quote
Evil is aimed at killing joy
Knowledge Is Key
Integrity is
Life is too short to be anything but happy
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