To Achieve The American Dream Remember Your ABCs

American Dream TEAM!


Inspiration, Motivation and Self Help
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Successful people vs unsuccessful people
Learn to Love yourself first instead of the idea of other people loving you
famous failures
Live each day like someone left the gate open
Love yourself and the world will follow
A Have nothing to do with fruitless deeds of darkness - Expose them Ephesians 5-11
When the world says give up Hope says try it one more time.
Getting over a painful experience is like crossing monkey bars
Go the extra mile It is never crowded
Some people make it happen
Ludwig Von Mises quote Many Self-Taught excel the college educated
To Change Things Build a New Model Buckmeinster Fuller quote
Hugh Laurie quote - do not wait until you are ready just do it today
Build your dream
X X Awesome
You are unique in all of Gods creations
If fathers did what they are supposed to do half of the junk on the streets would not exist -Nathan Hayes
So many angles So many elements - Calatravas Agora Athens
Keep moving
Use negative as motivation
If I can't picture it I can't understand it - Albert Einstein quote
Remember that you are earth air fire water and spirit
Be who you are and say what you feel Dr Seuss
Your kids should not be the most important in your family
What do you really want?
American Dream Team - New Group Logo
This is your world Shape it or someone else will
For A Stay away from negative people
V Prepare for miracles
Anything can happen in just one day
Some of the best days of your life have not happened yet
Mom what is the meaning of life - YOU ARE
You are great don't give up
When you find yourself doubting how far you can go remember how far you have come
You alone are responsible for your happiness
The person you are destined to become Ralph Waldo Emerson quote
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