To Achieve The American Dream Remember Your ABCs

American Dream TEAM!


Inspiration, Motivation and Self Help
For K When a child learns to walk
Evil is aimed at killing joy
How will you ever be polished if you are irritated by every rub
Prayer of protection
I used to pray for somebody Then I realized I am somebody
Your kids should not be the most important in your family
The best place is in someones arms
Isaiah 40 - 31
Sometimes holding on does more damage than letting go
Teaching to people to live off American taxpayers that's an American Nightmare NOT the American Dream quote
Remake Pebble on the Beach
A Good Life Is -
If at first you don't succeed try try again
Remember the guy who gave up? Neither does anyone else
Ant Pushing a Water Droplet
The one who follows the crowd usually gets no further than the crowd Albert Einstein quote
Why of course you should be fabulous. You are a child of God.
X X Awesome
Remember that you are earth air fire water and spirit
Look at life through the windshield not the rear view mirror
What does it really take to be successful
It is the lens through which your brain views the world that shapes your reality
When you face your struggles You overcome them
Anything can happen in just one day
An arrow can only be shot after first pulling it backwards
When you are comfortable with who you are not everyone will like you but you will not care one bit
What does it take for a seed to grow
Live each day like someone left the gate open
Life is too short to be anything but happy
Never distrust your gut feelings
If you dont like the way things are do something about it
Mom what is the meaning of life - YOU ARE
Do it
You are never to old to set another goal or dream a new dream CS Lewis Quote
A Have nothing to do with fruitless deeds of darkness - Expose them Ephesians 5-11
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