To Achieve The American Dream Remember Your ABCs

American Dream TEAM!


Inspiration, Motivation and Self Help
I am just me
What ever you are thinking is what you are attracting
So many angles So many elements - Calatravas Agora Athens
Use negative as motivation
The Elephant and the Hummingbird
Your kids should not be the most important in your family
What do you really want?
Freedom loving human earthling
I am not what happened to me I am what I choose to become
When the Going gets tough - get tougher
My strength did not come from lifting weights
Your Mind is a garden your thoughts are seeds
For A Stay away from negative people
Anything can happen in just one day
Carve the good memories into your heart and let the bad ones fade away
We are not all in the same boat we are all in the same  storm
There are no hopeless situations only people who think hopelessly
You are great don't give up
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