shaken baby vaccines e1371884979800 Dangerous Vaccines Found to Cause Symptoms of Shaken Baby Syndrome


by Christina England

Over the years, parents have more and more commonly been blamed of child abuse if their child is diagnosed with the “triad” of injuries associated with Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) after receiving a vaccine. The “triad” includes bleeding inside the brain, bleeding behind the eyes and swelling or inflammation of the brain.

When a medical professional suspects that a baby has been violently shaken, they will examine the baby for the “triad” of injuries associated with SBS. These are subdural haematoma (bleeds inside the brain), retinal haemorrhages (bleeds behind the eyes) and cerebral edema (swelling or inflammation inside the brain).

The Triad of Injuries

Bleeding Inside the Brain

Norma Guthkelch, a retired neurosurgeon, wrote the first description of Shaken Baby Syndrome in 1971 in his paper Infantile Subdural Haematoma and its Relationship to Whiplash Injuries, in which he discussed 23 cases of strongly suspected parental assault on children under the age of three. He concluded that:

“It has been shown that there is a discrepancy between the frequency of subdural hematoma occurring in battered children and of the same condition complicating head injuries of other origin, the incidence in the former being unexpectedly high, though in most of those in whom there was no actual skull fracture there was not even  clear evidence of the application of direct violence to the head. This suggests that when the head is not the main target of attack the likely mechanism of production of the hematoma is one in which repeated sheering strains of one sort or another are applied to the cranial contents.

It follows that since all cases of infantile subdural hematoma are best assumed to be traumatic unless proved otherwise it would be unwise to disregard the possibility that one of these has been caused by serious violence, repetition of which may prove fatal, simply on the basis that there are no gross fractures or other radiological bone changes in the limbs, nor any fractures of the skull.” [1]

However, the violent shaking of a young child is not the only cause of the triad of injuries. These injuries can also occur after short falls, illnesses such as encephalitis and meningitis, birth trauma, vitamin deficiencies and genetic illnesses such as brittle bone syndrome. These causes are identified on the British Medical Journal’s online guide Best Practice: Abusive Head Trauma in Infants. [2]


Read more at: http://healthimpactnews.c...


I DO know of someone who was accused of having shaken her baby and the child was removed from the home during the investigation, which took close to a year.  
We were always on the fence about her guilt or innocence but as of this moment, I'm giving this gal a 'full pardon' !!  Thanks for posting thi...
  • July 3, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
Yep....not all who have had children taken from matter what the reason that was given, are guilty of that abuse. Many times they , the parents, are innocent. I always worry about the children who have been taken away from their parents....lots of them go through abuse of other sorts while ...
  • July 3, 2013
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Janice  Vicks
I know of someone in our town who was charged with this and I could never believe she did it as she was known to all to be nearly saint like and a lover of children, especially  her own. I forget what happened to her now but I wonder if this might be what happened to her child. 
  • July 3, 2013
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Redneck Angel Warrior
It is very likely that she was innocent in light of what this article is saying.
  • July 3, 2013
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