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Simply put, the Obama doctrine has been disastrous because it fails to protect and advance US interests. It is the antithesis of Ronald Reagan’s approach, which was based on powerful American leadership on the world stage, including a willingness to firmly stand up to America’s adversaries and support those fighting against tyranny. This robust stance was reinforced by a strong investment in America’s defenses, including a commitment to missile defense, a factor which was crucial in convincing the Soviets that they could not win the Cold War. Reagan also championed the ideal of economic freedom across the globe.

US leadership on the world stage is not about empty platitudes, amply displayed recently by Barack Obama in Berlin, or meaningless, feel-good initiatives of the kind rolled out by the White House during the president’s tour of Africa. American leadership should never be a cynical PR exercise aimed at boosting a president’s popularity abroad or accommodating the whims of foreign governments. It must always be based on a clear-cut understanding of what is in America’s vital national interest. And therein lies the heart of the failure of the Obama doctrine. A president who believes in apologising for his country, appeasing his nation’s enemies, undercutting US national sovereignty, and sidelining America’s traditional allies, cannot hope to operate an effective foreign policy, one that commands respect both at home and abroad.

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